De Bethune


Case material
Bracelet strap
Pin buckle
ø 42.9 mm
12.1 mm
Manual-winding mechanical
Power reserve: 144 h, 28800 vph
Hours, Minutes, Moon phases, Power reserve indicator
Launch date
Price excl. VAT
140’000 CHF


After fascinating devotees of watchmaking during the year 2008 by unveiling Dream Watch One, a unique piece in pursuit of perfect horological harmony, in 2009 the DE BETHUNE brand is giving people the opportunity to acquire this exceptional timepiece at last. It is a real technological achievement. This year the display is just as exciting on the dial as it is on the back of the watch. Seen first of all through the dial is an annular balance in silicon which conceals the balance spring and has the effect of a mirror, unique in the world of horology. For the first time ever, this timepiece allows every owner to adjust their watch personally according to their way of life: a fundamental step forward in the art of watchmaking.

Every timepiece has the greatest accuracy as its objective, but the vagaries of life, the way in which the watch is worn and the activities which are part of the daily life of a watch inevitably result in slight inaccuracies.

Always seeking to improve the accuracy of their timepieces, Denis Flageollet and David Zanetta have therefore created a watch which enables every owner easily to adjust it to achieve an exceptional degree of accuracy. By simply pressing on one of the two push-pieces on the back of the watch, the owner of this timepiece can adjust its rate according to the rhythm of their life.

A simple action, but when one looks a little closer, it is a remarkable technological feat. By applying a simple external pressure, the heart of the watch is reached through a system of reduction arms and levers in a way that conveys the gesture perfectly. For ease of use, the extent of the adjustment is indicated in red through a window in the back of the watch.

This represents a particular relationship with an object, which enables it to be understood better, to be controlled better and to be made more personal. A few weeks will certainly be needed before perfect adjustment of the watch is achieved, but from then on there will be a complete symbiosis between the owner and the watch.

Everything in this watch appears to be simple but it is in fact extremely complex. The simple oscillator of the mechanical calibre DB2016, wholly designed within the Manufacture, is a genuine achievement in the world of watchmaking. The balance spring of the regulating organ is not visible; it is concealed within an annular balance consisting of a central silicon disc surrounded by a thin ring of polished platinum which can be seen through the dial.

In a play of various finishes, the rhodium-plated and steel dial has matt, burnished and polished aspects, giving a continuous effect of light and shade. The platinum case has mobile lugs so that it follows the shape of the wrist perfectly. The power reserve is 6 days.

The result of a search for exclusive perfection and the use of state of the art technology, of the passion of two men combining experience and technical know-how, this new timepiece perfectly expresses the horology of the future.